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Tuesday 22 April 2014
Marriage at an early age and its benefits

From among the benefits of getting married at an early age is the obtaining of children, which make the youth delighted at their presence.  Allah says: 
And those who say: “Our Lord! Bestow on us from our wives and our offspring who will be the comfort of our eyes, and make us leaders for the Muttaqûn.” (Al-Furqan 25:74) 
Wives and children are a delight; Allah promised that marriage brings about pleasure. This pleasure encourages and persuades the youth to take an interest in matrimony. 
This is also similar to how Allah mentioned that children are a share of this world’s beauty. 
Wealth and children are the adornment of the life of this world. But the good righteous deeds (five compulsory prayers, deeds of Allâh’s obedience, good and nice talk, remembrance of Allâh with glorification, praises and thanks, etc.), that last, are better with your Lord for rewards and better in respect of hope. (Al-Kahf 18:46) 
Therefore, this world is adorned by children. The human-being seeks out adornment the same ways he tries to obtain wealth. Similarly, he craves for children, because they are equal to wealth in their existence.
This is in this world. Then in the hereafter, righteous children can benefit their fathers as the Prophet sallalahu ‘alayhe wasallam said: 
“Whenever the son of Adam dies his action stop except three: Knowledge that benefits people, a recurring charity, and a righteous child that supplicates for his parent.”  (Hadeeth Saheeh, Collected by Muslim #1631) 
The second benefit of matrimony at an early age is that it produces children increasing the Muslim Ummah and Islaamic society. The Prophet sallalahu ‘alayhe wasallam said 
Marry the loving and fertile, for verily I want to have the largest Ummah on the Day of Resurrection.” 
[Hadeeth Saheeh, Collected by Abu Dawud in his Sunnan (#2050), An-Nisa’i in his Sunnan As-Sughara (#3227), Al-Hakim in Al-Mustadrak (#2/162), and Ibn Hibban in his Saheeh (#4057), Al-Baghawee in his Sharh-us-Sunnah (#9/17), Al-Bayhaqee in his Sunnan AL-Kubara (#7/81) on the authority of Ma’qal Ibn Yasaar. Graded Saheeh by Al-Albani in his checking of Abu Dawud.] 
Great blessing result from marriage. From among them are the ones we previously mentioned. So if these virtues and blessings are explained to the adolescents, then the fallacious problems that hinder people from getting married will disappear. 
As for the saying that, getting married at an early age diverts from gaining knowledge and from studying, this is not the case. Rather, the opposite of this is correct because tranquillity, peace of mind, and pleasure never cease to be obtained through marriage.
These things help the student to reach his goal because, he has peace of mind, and his thoughts are not cluttered due to discomfort and this helps him study. 
Now on the other hand abstaining from marriage in reality blocks whatever knowledge he wants to attain, because it is not possible to acquire knowledge in a state of confusion and anxiety.
However, if he gets married, his mind is at rest and his soul is at ease. He gets a house to take as a shelter and a wife who relaxes and helps him. These things help him to attain knowledge. 
If Allah makes it easy and this marriage becomes a source of comfort to become a relationship, then this is from among the things which make it easy for the student to pursue knowledge. Matrimony does not block the path to knowledge as some believe.
For that reason, having children is an enormous blessing in this life and in the next. 
As for the statement that marriage at an early age burdens the adolescent to supply provisions for his children, wife and other responsibilities, this also is not correct. Along with marriage comes blessings and well-being. Matrimony is obedience to Allah and His Messenger sallalahu ‘alayhe wasallam and there is good in every act of obedience.
So if the youth gets married following the orders of the Prophet sallalahu ‘alayhe wasallam by seeking the blessings that have been promised with the correct intentions, then this marriage will be a reason for his blessings.
The provisions are in the hands of Allah.  Allah, the Mighty and Majestic states: 
And no (moving) living creature is there on earth but its provision is due from Allâh. (Hud 11:6) 
Consequently, if Allah makes it easy for you to get married, then He will make providing for your children easy. 
We provide sustenance for you and for them. (Al-An’am 6:151) 
Marriage does not burden the young man above his ability as some of the people think. Marriage brings benefits and blessings. Matrimony is a necessary Sunnah of Allah for the human-being.
Matrimony is not a horrible nightmare. It is only a door from the doors of righteousness for the person with the correct intention. 
As for the excuses about the obstacles placed in the path of marriage, then this is from their evil behaviour. Marriage in itself does not require such things as a plump dowry, parties which amount to more than required or other expenses with no authority from Allah. Rather, what is required is a wedding with ease. 
Hence, it is a duty to clarify to the people that these extravagances placed in the path to a wedding bring about evil consequences for their sons and daughters.
These extravagances are not from their well-being. Therefore, it is a must to remedy these problems, so that matrimony can return to its ease and convenience. 

Blogged @ 16:51 | 0 comments

Thursday 10 April 2014
your diet your health

We've all heard the old saying “you are what you eat.” And it's still true. If you stick to a healthy diet full of vitamins and minerals, your body reflects it. You feel healthy, energized, and just all-around great. However, people who limit their diet to junk foods will undoubtedly suffer the consequences of not giving their bodies what they need to thrive. The result is not only fatigue and low energy, but poor health as well. Understanding this clear connection between your health and your diet may spur you to make better dietary choices.

Your Diet and Your Health: What Your Body Needs

"Food is essential. People take it for granted, but we need nutrients," says Anne Wolf, RD, a researcher at the University of Virginia School of Medicine. Wolf cites as one example the old days when sailors crossed the ocean for months without proper nutrition. As a result, they ended up with scurvy because of a lack of vitamin C from citrus fruits. Vitamin C and other vitamins and minerals are necessary to keep all the different parts of the body healthy and functioning — otherwise, we get sick.
Every little thing that you do happens because of the nutrients that you give your body. Says Wolf, "Food gives us the fuel to think and the energy to move our muscles. The micronutrients, the vitamins, the minerals are there so that our bodies can function. You need food not just to sustain health, but to feel better."
And the only way the body will get the many nutrients needed to stay healthy and function is by eating a wide variety of healthy foods.

Your Diet and Your Health: The Guidelines

The U.S. Department of Agriculture's food pyramid and the daily food recommendations were established after extensive research and continue to be updated as more is learned about the role of nutrition in good health. Their goal is to make sure that people understand all the different nutrients their bodies need to stay healthy.
Food went from being a necessity to simply function to being the key to enabling the body to be at its functional best, says Wolf. Research shows that the right nutrition optimizes health and that getting enough of certain vitamins and minerals can also lower disease risk.

Your Diet and Your Health: Poor Diet, Poor Health

Many foods have a huge impact on heart health. Research has long shown that fruits and vegetables and a diet rich in whole grains and low in saturated fats can help protect the body from heart disease and high blood pressure, while a diet high in saturated and trans fats without enough fruits and vegetables can actually cause those diseases.
Even small diet deficiencies can have an enormously negative impact on your health. The most common health problem due to a lack of nutrients in the United States is iron deficiency, says Wolf. Menstruating women and girls need plenty of iron in their diets to replace what they lose each month during their periods. Iron is also an essential nutrient for infants, children, and growing teens.
Another example is calcium, needed to keep bones strong and healthy, says Wolf. Without it, the body can develop osteoporosis, a health condition characterized by weak and brittle bones.
Eating a well-rounded and varied diet will go a long way toward making sure you have all the nutrients you need. Remember that our body uses everything we put into it, and what we give it determines how it's used — for good health, or for bad.

Blogged @ 22:08 | 0 comments



Bachelor of Tourism Management-BTM(Hons) ,UNIVERSITI UTARA MALAYSIA

link to uum website :

Blogged @ 21:58 | 0 comments

i love my familyy

A family
is made of love and tears
laughter and years
It grows stronger
with the passing of time
More precious 
with the making of memories
sometimes a family is made of ones
you don't like for a while and fight with a lot
But you love them for a life time
Not in numbers but in its capacity to love
It's the place you find
someone to encourage you
believe in you
Celebrate with you and comfort you
A family is where your heart 
feels most at home because you're
Always wanted always welcomed
Always needed
Always Loved
And always precious to everyone
So always love your family

Blogged @ 21:52 | 0 comments

I am here because of ALLAH

I am here because Allah pick me up when I fall. I am here because Allah guide me in correcting mymistakes. I am here because Allah guide me in every single action of my life. I am here because Allah give me strength when I am weak. I am here because Allah wake me up when I sleep. I am here because Allah push me out of my comfort zone.  

No sharing can touch your heart when Allah says no. No trainings can sharpen your way when Allah want to keep you blind.

Be grateful if you can feel inspired, moved, in an events. And you feel that energy to go back and work hard. You are mounted with amazing ideas and you can put each of the ideas into massive actions. Be grateful. No one else have the power to move you but Allah.

Sometimes, when i am asked to share in front, i feel so ashamed. You should not ask me more than you ask Allah. I am only a messenger. I am only one of the sign of His greatness.

Of course, in the end we still have to share every details of what we did. The very detail of borrowed knowledge from Allah.

My message to everyone, is just never look up on anyone more than How you look up to Allah. 

Ask no one more than how much you ask from Allah. Trust in the help of no one, more than how you trust Allah. 

Sometimes, everything turn their back against you. Allah wont. 

Fall down and prostrate. May Allah grant us success in Dunia and Akhirat. May Allah grant us Jannah. 

Blogged @ 21:47 | 0 comments

Friday 14 March 2014

Blogged @ 18:08 | 0 comments

Healthy, not thin

WHEN people go on a diet, the reason is always to lose weight. They seldom think about whether the diet they choose will also result in making them healthy. They will look for diet plans that promise quick results, as it is easier. Unfortunately, many of them are unhealthy as they over-emphasise only one type of food and exclude others. Over time, this can lead to nutritional deficiencies.

  Sime Darby Healthcare Dietetics and Food Services manager Nurul Aziah Musa says most people do not understand the impact of choosing the wrong diet. While you will lose weight, in the long run, this will affect your health.
For example, the long-term practice of high protein low carbohydrate diet, which is very popular currently, has been found to cause a number of health problems such as kidney failure, high cholesterol, osteoporosis, kidney stones, cancer and unhealthy metabolic state (ketosis).
 “That is the reason doctors and dietitians do not approve of such an extreme diet. Of course in the short term, you will lose weight. But if you continue on the diet plan, you will face health issues as your body is not getting the vitamins and minerals it needs to be healthy.
“Diet should always about losing weight and being healthy. You cannot only focus on one without the other. Even when someone is thin, it does not mean that he or she is healthy.”
She says before a person goes on a diet, he or she needs to understand  calories —  what is it, where does it come from and how much is needed in a day. The calories you need is based on your age, gender, weight and height— once you know these details you are able to know how much calories you need to lose in a day.
 In order to lose 0.5 to 1kg in  a week, a person need to cut 500 calories a day. This can be achieved by changing habits. For  example, one teaspoon of oil has 45 calories, so reduce to about 10 teaspoons in a day and you have reduced your intake by 500 calories, says Nurul Aziah.
 “If you do this constantly, with exercise, you will lose weight. It is easy and simple. When you go on a diet, it does not mean you have to avoid all foods. You still can have nasi lemak or fast food. We never say you can’t have oil, salt or sugar in your diet. But know your limitations, don’t eat it every day. The key word here is eat in moderation and control your impulses to overeat. Then, get involved in physical activities.”
“Of course if you have health problems like hypertension or diabetes, your diet will have to be different. Also, you need to change your diet as you age. Because your metabolic rate decreases as you get older, you can’t be eating the way you did when you were younger.”

She says some people turn to fad diets because they get frustrated when they are not losing weight— even after eating right and doing exercise.
 “You should not give up. You may not lose weight but when you do a body fat assessment, you will find the percentage has reduced because the fat has turned into muscle. That is what we want and when you don’t have excessive body fat anymore, it means you are healthy.”
  Nurul Aziah says the best advice when it comes to choosing what to eat is to follow the food pyramid. From that, you will know which type of food that you need to eat more and which you need less.
 “We need carbohydrate, protein, fats, fruits and vegetables in our diet.  Some people who are on high protein diet, they don’t eat vegetables and fruits at all. Unless they are taking supplements, where will they be getting the vitamins their body need?  
 “There is no good or bad food. There is only good or bad diet. A good diet is balanced meals and exercise which will result in you losing weight and becoming healthy. A bad diet is one promising quick results and yet causes you health problems later.  Weight management is about controlling your eating habit and exercise. So empower yourself with the right knowledge, and you will achieve your desired results.”
A balanced meal should have servings of protein, carbohydrate, vegetables and fruits.

Read more: Healthy, not thin - Health - New Straits Times

Blogged @ 18:03 | 0 comments